Nuestra Orilla is an eight-episode audio series that tells the story of the lower Atrato, a region in the northern Colombian Department of Chocó, from the perspectives of its inhabitants and through the life story of its narrator: Ana Luisa Ramírez Flórez.

The story–told in the voices of the women and men from a community that is seldom listened to and is often represented as backward–illuminates the interconnections between past and present forms of violence and exclusion. It also examines the strategies of the protagonists of the story to combat injustice, and to live with dignity in their territory.

Nuestra Orilla challenges the location, temporalities, and methodologies used to tell the histories of violence in Colombia, in the hopes of producing counter-histories that can help repair the ways in which we relate to each other and to our surroundings. In order to amplify the reach of the voices of the lower Atrato and contribute through our story to the formation of critical citizenship among the next generation, our podcast is accompanied by lesson plans available to teachers whose classroom projects resonate with them.


We are a team that brings together and honors different experiences, knowledge, and skills under the premise that stories are powerful: they can produce and perpetuate social relations of exclusion, but they can also challenge them and contribute to the creation of alternative futures of social justice.

This podcast, together with its accompanying curriculum and website, are the product of a collaborative research and creation process carried out by:

  • Ana Luisa Ramírez Flórez and Jenry Serna Córdoba, Afro-Colombian social leaders from the Bajo Atrato region, committed to community work and founders of Ronca el Canalete, a training school in leadership and communication skills.
  • Catalina Muñoz Rojas, history professor at the Universidad de los Andes and co-founder of the project Historias para lo que viene which applies historical thinking and historical narrative to the building of more just futures.
  • Daniel Ruiz-Serna professor of anthropology at McGill University. His research on Bajo Atrato has been awarded the Julian Steward Prize by the Anthropology & Environment Society of the American Anthropological Association. Additionally, he received an Honorable Mention for the Best Book by a Scholar from the Global South, presented by the International Studies Association’s (ISA) Peace Studies Section.
  • colectiva normal, a group of documentary makers, researches, designers and academics devoted to creating and disseminating high-quality narrative projects and collaborative production methodologies that generate social impact;
  • Helga Moreno Collantes, communicator, journalist and teacher at the Institución Educativa Rural San Miguel del Tigre in Yondó, Antioquia, experienced in the creation of pedagogical materials for radio;
  • Fernando Alberto Gálvez Rodríguez, anthropologist, sociologist and teacher at the Escuela Normal Superior Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra in Guacarí, Valle del Cauca, experienced in the use of art and media for the teaching and learning of citizenship competencies;

Our project is funded by Open Society University Network (OSUN) and Education Justice and Memory Network (EdJAM).



Executive Producer: Catalina Muñoz Rojas
Script writing: Daniel Ruiz-Serna
Research: Daniel Ruiz-Serna and Catalina Muñoz Rojas
Editor: Andrea Díaz Cardona
Host: Ana Luisa Ramírez Flórez
Field Production: Jenry Serna Córdoba and Ana Luisa Ramírez Flórez
Sound design and mixing: Paula Peña
Original music: IndianSommer


Art Director: Seluna Fernandez
Web Designer: Seluna Fernandez
Web Design Assistant: Paula Cano
Illustrator: Miguel Sánchez


Curriculum design: Helga Moreno Collantes, Fernando Gálvez Rodríguez and Catalina Muñoz Rojas


Sara Rubio Botero
Valeria Borrero Ramos
Laura Hernández Vargas
Alejandra Kerguelén


Claudia Leal. Department of History and Geography, Universidad de los Andes.
Nancy Palacios Mena. School of Education, Universidad de los Andes.


Concepción Flórez Raga
Manuel Ramírez Ramírez

Secundina Correa Pineda
Orfelina Palacio Palacio
Jenry Serna Córdoba
Angelina Baniama
Amancio Valoyes
Rosa Ramírez Flórez
María Marlenis Moreno

Gildardo Ramírez Arias
José Manuel Ramírez Flórez

Luis Octavio Martínez Córdoba
Desis Martina Ibarguen Rodríguez
Claribet Patricia Córdoba Palacios
Jesucita Martínez Córdoba

Jesucita Martínez Córdoba
Luis Octavio Martínez Córdoba

Ernesto Ramírez Flórez
Emilson Palacios Moreno
Sebastián Mena
María Eleuteria Perea

María Eleuteria Perea Ramírez
Ana Rosa Díaz Díaz
Luis Fernando Palacios Ramírez
Luz Mary Mosquera Martínez
Carlos Mario Mena


Paolo Vignolo
Edgar Alberto Muñoz Vargas
Mauricio Díaz
Atahualpa Americe
Rafael Abuchaibe
Andrea Díaz Cardona
Mónica Solís Vergara
Graciela Zúñiga Larrahondo


  • Noticias Caracol. » “Todos los males que pueda tener Colombia están en el Chocó”, dice defensor del Pueblo». Junio 22, 2020.
  • La Pulla. «Chocó: el paraíso de los corruptos». Septiembre 2, 2019.
  • Noticias Caracol. «¿Indigna lo de Venezuela? Estas cifras del Chocó también causan tristeza». Marzo 15, 2019.
  • Felipe Hincapié. «Perfume a un bollo». Mayo 12, 2012.
  • Noticias Caracol. «No sabe con quién se metió: ¿sobrino de César Gaviria protagoniza escándalo?» Marzo 3, 2015.
  • BluRadio. «Nicolás Gaviria, familiar de César Gaviria, protagoniza escandalosa pelea en un bar de Bogotá». Marzo 3, 2015.
  • W Radio Colombia. «Deshonroso puesto: Colombia es el segundo país más desigual de Latinoamérica». Octubre 28, 2021.
  • Noticias Caracol «Chocó, el fracaso del Estado: ¿les quedó grande a los gobiernos darle dignidad a este departamento?». Video. Junio 22, 2020.


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